Eduardo Restrepo
SHF x Cultural Studies Award Winner | 2019
Colombian anthropologist Eduardo Restrepo graduated from the University of Antioquia (Medellín, 1996), with a Masters and Doctoral studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies of the Javeriana University in Bogotá, and currently the director of the Master of Latin American Cultural Studies and the Master in Afro-Colombian Studies.
He has co-edited the Spanish edition of a compilation of 26 articles by Stuart Hall (Sin garantías: trayectorias y problematicas en estudios culturales, Bogota: Instituto Pensar, 2010), as well as the editor of the book Stuart Hall desde el sur: legados y apropiaciones (Buenos Aires: Clacso, 2014). Eduardo Restrepo won the 2019 Cultural Studies and Stuart Hall Foundation / Routledge Award for Early Career Researchers
Eduardo’s lines of research include studies referring to Afro-Colombian populations, with particular interest in the Colombian Pacific region. Ethnisation and racialisation processes, as well as representation policies and black political subjectivities, are some of the issues addressed in his publications. He has also been interested in the geopolitics of knowledge and processes of location that shape disciplinary fields such as anthropology or transdisciplinary fields such as cultural studies.
Most of his publications, courses and talks are published in Red de Antropologías del Mundo (RAM) – World Anthropologies Network.
Eduardo’s award-winning article ‘Talks and disputes of racism in Colombia after multiculturalism’ is available to read on the Taylor and Francis website.

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