
Gabriel Marques Camargo

PHD Scholar | University of Manchester | 2021 - 2024

Gabriel Marques Camargo is a Brazilian PhD student of Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester. His passionate pursuit for knowledge and social justice awoke the scientific curiosity reflected in his research. During his specialization course in Urban Sociology and his MA in Social Sciences (both at Rio de Janeiro State University), he studied the resignification of the public space in Volta Redonda – a Fordist town, home to one of the largest steel plants in Latin America. His research deepens in his PhD when it starts investigating the racialized disputes for the public space in Volta Redonda, organized by an afro-indigenous religious temple from the city’s outskirts.

He was the second reporter of the Municipal Commission for the Truth of African Slavery in Brazil (2019-2021) and is part of the afro-centered LGBTQIA+ group Sentinelas da Aldeia, both in Volta Redonda, Brazil. He also co-founded the post-colonial study group NEIPOC/Ojuobá with other black and indigenous academics from the city, to support each other in their researches and exchange knowledge freely.