Georgie Anderson
PHD SCHOLAR | CHASE DTP | 2024 – 2027
Georgie Anderson is a PhD researcher at the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of Kent; her project which is currently titled Tracing the Figure of the Black Knight in Chivalric Romances from North-Atlantic Europe is funded by both CHASE and the Stuart Hall Foundation. Her research uses both a literary and codicological approach to investigate how race functions in the medieval Europe by assessing the presentation of People of Colour in popular romance narratives through analysis of case studies and tracking the reception and possible readership by cataloguing the extant manuscripts. Georgie’s PhD research tackles current impasses in the field of Premodern Critical Race Studies by calling attention to the inadequacies of the current terminologies which rely too heavily on modern semantics. By calling attention to the long history of race, especially within the medieval world calls attention to the long-standing weaponisation of the period by white supremacist groups which has created the myth of a racial hegemony.
Georgie is honoured to be part of the Stuart Hall Foundation, where she can work with and learn from a diverse network of scholars whilst contributing to the fantastic work which aids a nuanced understanding of race, class and gender across a range of academic fields. Georgie is also the first person in her family to work at doctoral level and comes from a single parent, working class background. She is dedicated to promoting inclusivity in academia, particularly in the field of medieval studies.

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