Yamna Kalich-Khan
Yamna Kalich-Khan is studying for an MA in ‘M7 – Perinatal, Child, Adolescent and Family Work: A Psychoanalytic Observational Approach’ at The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. In the future, she hopes to train as a child and adolescent psychotherapist.
Yamna has worked in education for 13 years, and currently teaches English at an alternative provision hospital school. The school provides education to young people on a Tier-4 inpatient unit, as well as a cohort of ‘day’ students with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs. Previously, she has taught in mainstream schools and worked as a teaching assistant prior to qualifying as a teacher in 2015.
Owing to her work with young people experiencing complex mental health challenges, and the M7 course, Yamna is particularly interested in the impact of intergenerational trauma on childhood development. She is also interested in working with young people and their families from Black, Asian and other marginalised backgrounds, who may have barriers to accessing mental health support.

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