Yassmin V. Foster
Yassmin V. Foster is a Stuart Hall PhD Scholar in the Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies, at Goldsmiths University of London 2018–2024. She holds a BA (Hons) Anthropology and Media, MA Choreomundus – International master in Dance Knowledge, Practice and Heritage. Yassmin is a scholar, artist, academic and sound (system) woman based in the London, United Kingdom (UK). She is a proponent of work that challenges the supposition that movement and dance created by Black people are unworthy of scholarly investigation and validity. Yassmin has worked progressively in the arts and culture sector since 1992 and has presented her research across the UK, and in the US. Her current research investigates “The Kinetic Architectural Experience of Black People Through Lovers’ Rock in Britain, 1970 – 1980”. She champions interdisciplinary, cross-cultural and multi art-form collaborative journey’s, whilst advocating for dance as intangible cultural heritage.

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