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We are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2018 Cultural Studies and Stuart Hall Foundation Award for Early Career Researchers is Bohyeong Kim of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA (now Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University), with the paper ‘Think rich, feel hurt: the critique of capitalism and the production of affect in the making of financial subjects in South Korea’.
A selection panel comprising of members of the Stuart Hall Foundation board members and the Cultural Studies Editors-in-Chief commented that the article was selected for the following reason:
‘Bohyeong Kim’s stimulating paper achieved an admirable balance at a number of levels: between sophisticated general theory and well-observed site-specific research; global ‘structural’ developments and cultural discourses specific to Korea; subjectivity as ideology and subjectivity as affect; continuity and change in modes of capitalist regulation and incorporation. Not least, a hinterland of developed interdisciplinary understanding was brought to the page in engagingly lucid prose.’
The award, a collaboration between the Stuart Hall Foundation and the Routledge, Taylor & Francis journal Cultural Studies, seeks to recognise the article by an early career scholar that best captures and/or makes the most significant contribution to cultural studies. An award of £1000 is being made annually, based on articles published in the preceding year’s journals.
For more information and submission guidelines, please visit the Taylor and Francis website.READ the article
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