15th August 2022 / Video
Building Black Cultural Institutions with Gilane Tawadros, Lisa Anderson, Ian Sergeant, Marlene Smith and Amahra Spence
What is the word ‘Black’ in ‘Black Cultural Institutions’? Why does it seem like there are so few black-led arts organisations in the UK that are outside of London? What does it mean to operate within or without the mainstream? We invite an intergenerational panel to come together and reflect on the challenges of building and sustaining Black arts and culture institutions in Britain.
The conversation, hosted by Stuart Hall Foundation on 19th July 2022 was chaired by art curator Ian Sergeant, and featured Gilane Tawadros, Chair of the Stuart Hall Foundation, Lisa Anderson, Director of the Black Cultural Archive, Marlene Smith, former member of the BLK Art Group and current Director of The Room Next to Mine, and MAIA Group’s Creative Director, Amahra Spence.
Find out more about our #ReconstructionWork Series here.#ReconstructionWork: Building Black Cultural Institutions’ was supported by Arts Council England.
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