

This is the awards new category description

15th November 2024

Second Stuart Hall Essay Prize open to submissions

The Stuart Hall Foundation is pleased to invite submissions for the second Stuart Hall Essay Prize. Open to submissions from UK-based...

28th August 2024

Isis Giraldo receives 2023 SHF x Cultural Studies Award

The winner of the 2023 SHF x Cultural Studies Award is Isis Giraldo, who receives the award in recognition for her article 'SoHo as virtual...

27th March 2024

Inaugural Stuart Hall Essay Prize awarded to Hashem Abushama

The winner of the 2024 Stuart Hall Essay Prize is Hashem Abushama, for the essay “a map without guarantees: Stuart Hall and Palestinian...

21st June 2023

CJ Reynolds receives 2022 SHF x Cultural Studies Award

This year’s winner of the SHF x Cultural Studies Award is CJ Reynolds’ ‘Mischievous Infrastructure: Tactical Secrecy through Infrastructural...

28th February 2022

Aria S. Halliday wins 2021 SHF x Cultural Studies Award

This year’s winner of the SHF x Cultural Studies Award is Aria S. Halliday for ‘Twerk Sumn!: Theorizing Black Girl Epistemology in the Body’,...

29th January 2021

Jamie Hakim wins 2020 SHF x Cultural Studies Award

This year's winner of the SHF x Cultural Studies Award, is Jamie Hakim for 'The Rise of Chemsex: Queering Collective Intimacy in Neoliberal...

25th October 2020

Rosa-Johan Uddoh selected as a finalist for the Arts Foundation Futures Award

Congratulations to artist Rosa-Johan Uddoh who has been selected as a finalist for the £10,000 Arts Foundation Futures Award in Visual Arts...

15th October 2020

Sagal Adam Hassan to train as a Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist

SHF/Tavistock Scholar Sagal Adam Hassan has been accepted to train as a Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist at the Tavistock...

20th August 2020

Batseba Asefaw and Kairo Maynard awarded Stuart Hall Foundation/Tavistock studentships

Batseba Asefaw and Kairo Maynard have each been awarded a Stuart Hall Foundation/Tavistock studentship for their studies at...

"The winners of the Orwell Youth Prize, a political writing prize for..."
28th July 2020

Orwell Youth Prize Winners Revealed

The winners of the Orwell Youth Prize, a political writing prize for young people aged 12-18 from across the UK, have been...

16th June 2020

Lola Olufemi awarded technē studentship

Lola Olufemi has been awarded technē AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Studentship with the Centre for Research and Education in Arts and Media...

16th June 2020

Lucija Duda awarded Stuart Hall scholarship at University of Manchester

Lucija Duda’s doctoral research project, A Call For An Analytic Feminist Model Of Argumentation, proposes how a long history of male...

9th April 2020

Rosa-Johan Uddoh Awarded The fourth Stuart Hall Library Artist’s Residency

Stuart Hall Foundation and Iniva (Institute of International Visual Arts) are delighted to announce artist, writer and educator...

1st November 2019

Eduardo Restrepo wins SHF Routledge Award

The Stuart Hall Foundation / Routledge award, a collaboration between the Stuart Hall Foundation and the Routledge, Taylor & Francis...

17th July 2019

Elaine Mitchener awarded a 2020 Rauschenberg Residency

We are delighted to announce that Elaine Mitchener has been selected as an artist-in-residence for the 48th Rauschenberg Residency in August...

15th March 2019

Alicja Rogalska awarded the third Stuart Hall Library Artist's Residency

Iniva (Institute of International Visual Arts) and the Stuart Hall Foundation are delighted to announce that Alicja Rogalska has been awarded...

1st November 2018

Three new Stuart Hall Scholarships and Fellowships awarded

We are pleased to welcome three new scholars to the Stuart Hall Foundation Fellowship and Scholarship network.Luiza Paiva (pictured) has been...

1st November 2018

Winner of the 2018 Cultural Studies and Stuart Hall Foundation Award

We are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2018 Cultural Studies and Stuart Hall Foundation Award for Early Career Researchers is...

14th September 2018

The Stuart Hall Award for Lifetime Achievement in Cultural Studies 2018 has been awarded to Lawrence Grossberg

The Association for Cultural Studies (ASC) has awarded the Stuart Hall Award for Lifetime Achievement in Cultural Studies 2018 to Lawrence...

1st September 2018

New Stuart Hall PhD Scholar announced at Goldsmiths, University of London

This year’s Stuart Hall PhD Scholarship at Goldsmiths, University of London has been awarded to Yassmin V. Foster. Foster is a movement...

3rd June 2018

‘Familiar Stranger: A Life Between Two Islands’ – joint winner of the Bread & Roses Award for Radical Publishing 2018

Stuart Hall’s memoir Familiar Stranger: A Life Between Two Islands (written with Bill Schwarz)has been awarded the Bread and Roses Award for...

26th April 2018

'Familiar Stranger' has been shortlisted for the Bread & Roses Award for Radical Publishing 2018

Stuart Hall’s memoir Familiar Stranger: A Life Between Two Islands has been shortlisted for the Bread and Roses Award for Radical Publishing...

12th December 2017

Collective Squirrel Nation awarded three month funded residency in the Stuart Hall Library

Stuart Hall Foundation and Iniva are delighted to announce that collective Squirrel Nation has been awarded the second Stuart Hall Library...

12th October 2017

Winner of the 2017 Cultural Studies and Stuart Hall Foundation Award

We are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2017 Cultural Studies and Stuart Hall Foundation Award for Early Career Researchers is Laura...

13th April 2017

New Scholarship and Fellowship Awards

Stuart Hall PhD Scholarship at the University of Central Lancashire A new three-year Stuart Hall PhD Scholarship funded jointly by the Stuart...

"Stuart Hall Foundation and the Routledge, Taylor & Francis journal..."
1st February 2017

First Stuart Hall Foundation / Routledge Award

Stuart Hall Foundation and the Routledge, Taylor & Francis journal Cultural Studies have announced a new award for early career...

1st December 2016

Stuart Hall Foundation awarded three-year grant by Unbound Philanthropy

We are delighted to announce that the Stuart Hall Foundation has been awarded a grant of £90,000 over three years by Unbound Philanthropy. The...